
Beyond cloud

In a scenario where an organization has legacy data centers, private cloud, and public cloud, there are three potential use cases for modernizing applications:

Use case 1: Lift and Shift: Move application workloads from legacy data centers to private or public cloud, followed by refactoring.

Use case 2: Application Modernisation: Refactor specific applications, such as monolithic mainframe applications, by creating APIs to expose functions and move them to a private cloud.

  • Use case 3: Build native: Develop applications directly on private or public cloud platforms, leveraging core cloud capabilities to drive innovation.

Benefits of these three use cases include cost-effectiveness, scalability, flexibility, security, and accelerated adoption.

Beyond “lift and shift,” cloud-native platforms optimize for cloud computing, accelerating, and enhancing capabilities. This involves re-architecting or re-writing applications using modern languages and frameworks. Application modernization focuses on three key areas: cloud, microservices, and DevOps. The modernization process follows three interrelated transformation tracks:

  • Architecture: Transition from monolithic to distributed architecture (SOA), followed by a shift to microservices by creating smaller, focused services and moving away from heavyweight XML-based communication in SOA.
  • Infrastructure: Evolve from physical servers to virtual machines (VMs), and then to cloud and container-based infrastructure (either public or private cloud).

Way of Working: Progress from waterfall methodologies to agile practices, emphasizing DevOps, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), and DevSecOps.

At XOOTS, we believe these modernization tracks are interconnected; for instance, microservices require cloud infrastructure to scale dynamically. Speed and resiliency come with DevOps, as teams can program the cloud and take advantage of new infrastructure.

In summary, application modernization encompasses cloud, microservices, and DevOps, enabling organizations to maximize the benefits of modern technology and stay competitive in today’s rapidly evolving landscape

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